What We Do Best

Branding and Marketing

CIC provides branding elements for your company to grow, promoting your products to the reality of brand experiences, packaging, labeling, products’ trials while we establish business expressions through designing perception of your products and services. In the mind of our Clients, we set long-term goal of ultimate relationships.
At the end of the line, CIC make use of best marketing tools such as SEO (Search Engine Optimisation); Social Advertising; Content Promotion and Emails Blast. Our focus is for your products and services to be received, drive sales and be in the market at the shortest time possible.

International Company Representation and Partnerships

Appointed as Exclusive Distributors or Partners using strategic approach, market understanding, experience and expertise tocover the wider and targeted clients.

Global Event Management

Architect and Organizer of Global Conferences.

Strategy Consulting

Project execution and viability are common understanding and fundamental drivers to guarantee success.

Corporate and Strategic Advisory

Company Formation. Clients establishing businesses that conform to the Commercial Companies Law.